I love hosting this podcast so much for so many reasons. One of the main ones is that I meet tons of cool people and have long conversations with them uninterrupted by technology or distractions. But this episode is a bit different, and I’m not meeting someone new.
Instead, I’m interviewing an old friend of mine, none other than the amazing Abbey Moore of Abbey Moore Photography, and the new Amiga Shop.
Abbey is one of my best friends (also the person who takes all my photos), so this conversation is a bit different from the other conversations I’ve had on the podcast with people I’m getting to know for the first time live the podcast. It was such a cool experience to talk to Abbey in this setting, free from distractions, be completely present with her, and ask her anything I wanted to know.
I got to drive the conversation because I knew all of you guys were listening and had free range to ask her anything I was curious about. I know you’ll love Abbey as much as I do after this episode. She’s seriously one of the coolest people I know, so I’m psyched to share her.
She’s a massive girl boss, so we get into how she started her career as an entrepreneur, her tips on photography, her body image struggles, her relationship advice, and even touch on friendship and nostalgia.
Abbey Moore On Photography is my favorite episode of the year, and I hope you enjoy it.